Energiser (Add on) for Dog Fence Netting      $248.00

Handy 3 Volt fence device, For mobile use and small fences up to 200 m without vegetation Run time with continuous use about 6 weeks

Suitable for electrifying (Low voltage) our Dog Fence Netting (25m rolls, 77cm + 9 posts – sold separately)

  • Inexpensive ($248 AUD, with shipping included to Australia or NZ)
  • Handy 3 Volt fence device
  • For mobile use and small fences up to 200 m without vegetation
  • Operated by 2 x 1.5 V single cell batteries (not included)
  • Low-battery mode: by means of the extended flashing interval (under 12 Volts to 11.5 Volts, pulse and LED flashing is extended to 3.5 sec., under 11.5 Volts, the LED flashes without pulse in an 8-sec. interval)
  • Run time with continuous use about 6 weeks
  • Device fits in any coat pocket

Dog Fence Energiser: $248 AUD, with shipping included (to Australia or NZ only)