Professional quality ULTRASOUND ScanninG & PRegnancy detection products for Au & NZ Equine BREEDERS, VETS & Contract SCANNING CONSULTANTS IN AU & NZ

Pregnancy Scanning Technology and Equipment for HORSES

(supplying QLD, NSW, WA, SA, Vic, Tas, ACT, NT) & NZ

Ultrasound Pregnancy detection & scanning with Horses = Increased Profitability

Improved pregnancy rates & reproductive efficiency for Horse / Equine breeders

Quick, easy, reliable, accurate equine pregnancy information

Faster, higher quality diagnostic information allows for improved equine breeding decision-making

Before Buying - Please Read

Horses have a thin Rectal Wall which can easily be damaged and that can prove to be fatal. To pregnancy scan a horse rectally with an ultrasound image scanner, we recommend that you enlist the services of an Equine Specialist adequately trained in the Rectal Examination of a Horse. Scanning Horses by a breeder not trained adequately in horse rectal examination is not recommended.

More calves, lower costs = real returns on your investment!

Key Benefits for HORSE breeders when using pregnancy detection technology & ENLISTING Ultrasound pregnancy Scanning services

Compared to more traditional methods (eg. Manual Palpation)

  1. 1.
    Earlier Pregnancy Detection. As early as 30 days is possible, sometimes even earlier.
  2. 2.
    Modern technology is much easier on the Cow. The scanners, wands and probes are alot less intrusive than a large hand and arm.
  3. 3.
    Easier on the Farm Operator. No more busted shoulders.
  4. 4.
    You can check the health of the Pregnancy by the seeing the cluster of cotyledons.
  5. 5.
    You can do different Mobs of Cows rather than having to do all cows in one day when a Contractor in on-site. Less stress on the animals
  6. 6.
    With your own equipment you can check the progress of the Pregnancy as losses and slippage will always occur later in the Pregnancy
  7. 7.
    Gestation aging based on where the pregnancy is seen and how much of the screen is covered in pregnancy indicators.
  8. 8.
    You can narrow down much earlier who are the most fertile cows on the farm. Over time this alows you to lift calving rates by predominantly keeping those that joined early. ie. Consolidate with the the most precious girls on the farm.
  9. 9.
    Late joiners and empties will most likely be the same each year.
  10. 10.
    A decision making tool in the Breeders tool box . No more guessing.
  11. 11.
    Save money on feeding empty cows. At the end of the day a Breeding operation's profitability is determined by Calves on the ground each year.
  1. 1.
    Ultrasound allows for earlier pregnancy detection in Horses - as early as 16 days is possible.
  2. 2.
    Modern Ultrasound technology is easier on the Horse. The wands and probes are less intrusive than a large hand and arm.
  3. 3.
    Equine Ultrasound equipment is convenient and easy to use.
  4. 4.
    With your own equipment you can check the progress of the equine Pregnancy.
  5. 5.
    Equine gestation aging is based on the ultrasound images; where the pregnancy is seen and how much of the screen is covered with pregnancy indicators.
  6. 6.
    A great decision making tool in the equine breeders tool box.
  7. 7.
    Save money and time when breeding horses.

Popular Ultrasound Pregnancy Scanning & Pregnancy Detection products for Horse Breeders & Equine Veterinarians


Draminski 4VET Slim 

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  • 2 years warranty
  • Portable / stationary
  • Mains power or efficient battery power
  • High contrast, bright screen
  • Compatible with various probes
  • Compatible with OPU (Ovum Pickup) set
Details & Shop

CR-2A PreGnancy scanner

Wireless Ultrasound Scanner
Details & Shop


  • Suitable for all animals (large or small) including Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Goats, Alpaca
  • Cutting edgenew tech.
  • A full featured Wireless Ultrasound Scanner capable of doing everything that a $20,000 Scanner does.

(No Wi-Fi / Phone needed!)

Details & Shop


  • Ginger Soames
    Ginger Soames Veterinary Technician, Cattle Breeder, Horse Trainer
    I have been working with Draminksi equipment since starting my career - training and working to become a veterinarian for livestock / large animals. I have a passion for the field of animal reproduction, particularly with horses and cattle. I have always loved the Draminski ultrasound machines as they are high quality and allow for ease of use, and accurate diagnosis with all animals. The machines are small and so easy to take with me from the clinic to the field, and from farm to farm. My favourite Ultrasound machine (purchased from Advanced Farm systems) that I am currently using is the Draminski 4Vet Slim machine. It's a specialised machine that is perfect for my needs, now and into the future. It can be used in clinic for emergencies, and for specialist and reproductive procedures / purposes. Draminki and Phil at Advanced Farm Systems are quick to respond and have been fabulous to work with and represent in the field. Any problems that arise are swiftly dealt with. I would highly recommend the Draminski brand and Philip at Advanced Farm systems to any clinic, veterinarian or livestock contractor wanting to use high quality equipment to compliment their work.
    Purchased: Draminski 4Vet Slim Ultrasound Scanner
    Cattle, Horses
    Ginger Soames Contracting
    Servicing QLD & NSW Australia
    Cattle reproduction services
    e: ginger.soames2@gmail.com