It makes financial & practical sense.


Affordable, reliable Pregancy scanning & detection for dog breeders

Buy the best Livestock (Cattle, Cow, Sheep, Pig, goat) Ultrasound Pregnancy Diagnostic and Scanning Equipment in AU and NZShop on line (AU & NZ) for Pregnancy Scanning & Detection Products & Technology for Dogs (Canine)

BENEFITS OF CANINE Pregnancy Scanning & DETECTION Technology

Accurate, Affordable ultrasound Pregnancy scanning & detection equipment for Canine / DOG Breeders in Australia (supplying QLd, NSW, WA, SA, Vic, Tas, ACT, NT) & NZ


Canine Pregnancy Scanning  & Detection = Increased profitability

Improve canine pregnancy rates & profits

Easy, reliable, accurate canine pregnancy diagnostic information

Products that help determine optimum canine ovulation time for successful mating

Monitor whelping to know when the bitch has finished delivering puppies

Faster, better information allows for improved decision-making in your dog breeding operation

Benefits of having your own Ultrasound Scanner (for Dog BreederS)

  1. 1.
    Pick up canine pregnancies reliably from day 18 of gestation
  2. 2.
    Multiple scans throughout the canine pregnancy can allow you to estimate the number of puppies your bitch is carrying.
  3. 3.
    Canine pregnancies can be lost during the gestation so performing regular scan throughout is a valuable tool to determine current pregnancy status.
  4. 4.
    Ultrasound pregnancy detection and scanning products and equipment can deliver cost savings for your canine breeding business.

Shop these Popular Pregnancy Detection Products for Canine Breeders


Dog Pregnancy Alarm Detector

Detects amniotic fluid
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  • Unit can detect pregnancy from 22 days in bitches after mating (most accurate until the dog is in it's last month of pregnancy)
  • Detects the presence of amniotic fluid by using an ultrasonic beam
  • Audible signal / alarm when amniotic fluid is present. No audible signal if empty.
  • Very easy to use
  • 100% accurate if instructions are followed correctly
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Draminski Ovulation / Estrous Detectors

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  • Suitable for Dogs
  • A vaginal probe is used extensively around the world.
  • Reads the electrical resistance changes when the animal is in season
  • Will pinpoint 100 % accurately the time off ovulation.
  • Increase canine breeding success and profits.
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Ultrasound Pregnancy Scanner
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$2,950 (with 1 probe)

  • AS-200 is suitable for dogs (and all small livestock animals, and miniature breeds)
  • Super clear image clarity, Medical Grade Imaging Quality
  • Abdominal Scanner that projects an image wirelessly up onto an Android or an Apple Tablet (via a Free App)
  • Digital Convex Ultrasound Head that projects the image out to 90 degrees ensuring that all the pregnancy is seen
  • Quickly pick up pregnancies after a little practice and basic knowledge (we supply help documentation)
  • 2 year Warranty, available for immediate delivery
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Draminski SONO FARM MINI (Dog Scan)

Ultrasound Pregnancy Scanner
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$7,900 (with 1 probe)

  • Detect pregnancy from the 18th day,
  • Smallest of the Draminski Ultra Sound Scanners.
  • Can Pregnancy Scan all animals as it features unique interchangeable probes .
  • Easy to use, strong aluminium housing and external rechargeable battery.
  • Mechanical sector probe scanner that can be supplied with a rectal probe (large animals) that will scan 180 degrees or an abdominal probe (small animals) that scans at 90 degrees. 
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  • Susan Star Dog Breeder
    Philip at Advanced Farm Systems was so helpful in selling me an Ovulation detector. This great equipment has saved me a lot of money. The Ovulation detector was spot on in picking ovulation and I finally got a litter of pups out of a bitch that many professionals considered not possible. Thanks again Philip
    Purchased: Ovulation Detector
    NSW, Australia
  • Ken Cox Dog Breeder
    We have used the detector once and as we also have a very experienced stud dog it was interesting to see how he related in his reaction to the data we were getting from the meter. The detector and the stud dog were completely in sync, as we were taking the bitch to a dog outside our yard this allowed us to time the mating very accurately and got 5 pups from the single tie. I have and will continue to recommend the detector to breeders and will be assisting a few breeders with some bitches that have in the past been very difficult to time their matings.
    Purchased: Draminski Ovulation Detector
  • Anita-kaye Malby Dog Breeder
    I purchased both the Draminski Ovulation Detector & the Pregnancy Detector from Advanced Farm Systems in early last year 2015. Both these tools have been of great value to my Breeding Kennels. I’m pleased to say I wouldn’t have some of the lovely puppies on the ground now if I didn’t have the Ovulation Detector. The pregnancy Detector has also been great to use. It’s helped with knowing if my bitches are in whelp prior to export or just for knowing if we are expecting puppies or not. I use it on both my dogs & sheep.
    Purchased: Draminski Ovulation & Pregnancy Detectors
    NSW, Australia
  • Dawn Bliss (ELVISTIME PAPILLONS) Dog Breeder
    I have bitches that ovulate early & ‘go over’ very quickly, which the detector showed me. I have been trying time and again to get them into pup and failed, but with the unit, I have now succeeded and achieved fantastic litters. I have recommended you to so many people.
    Purchased: Draminski Ovulation & Pregnancy Detectors
    NSW, Australia
    The first Lhasa bitch I tried it (my Draminski) on has silent seasons and never swells much. The Draminski indicated she was ready way before I would have expected her to be ready and I did wonder if I was not using it correctly. However acting upon the readings, I walked into the stud dog’s house and he mated her within a few minutes. She had 5 pups. The second time of use, on an Irish Wolfhound, I was also spot on when I visited the stud dog. It is so much easier for myself, my bitches and the stud dog owners if I can be sure of the right day for mating. It saves money on petrol, saves valuable time and also relieves us all from the stress of worrying about not missing ovulation or whether the bitch is ready or gone over. Worth its weight in gold !!!
    Purchased: Draminski Ovulation Detector
  • MR WOOD Dog Breeder
    I had previously spent $2500 on testing with no pups at all !!! One Bulldog bitch missed 9 times in a row and the other bitch (with a double entry to the cervix) missed 6 times in a row, but with the Draminski Ovulation Detector I got a litter of 5 and 4 at the first attempt !!! It is easy to use and the results are absolutely astonishing after so much wasted time, and money before. I have already started telling everyone about it.
    Purchased: Draminski Ovulation Detector